You’ve worked hard—improved your looks, hit the gym, followed all the YT advice, but still left behind in the dating game… It’s not your fault...

Finally Level Up from Being an NPC—Ignored, Ghosted, and LostTo a Confident CHAD Who Gets the 10/10 Women and Plays the Game Right.

Picture this in your mind:

Imagine having beautiful 10/10 women, that most men dream, about in your bed.A woman thousands of men follow on Instagram they’ll never meet.A woman who is honestly just out of your league. But she WANTS YOU ... CRAVES you.You’ll know how to get her in bed on the first date. Yes, the first date… once you learn how to take control..Because when I was a young little Marquise in my early 20s: skinny, shamed, low self-esteem guy…I was talking to this one hot chick.
And I MISSED the opportunity to F*CK her on our first date. How so?
I was being a p*ssy and FUMBLED badly… and I mean badly.We were chilling in her home and she reached out for the first kiss.. Yes her.This whole experience was very new to me, never was used to escalating.Especially on the first date lol.We were making out for over an hour, and I could’ve taken it further.I thought about grabbing her @ss, but I kept overthinking it—‘Nah, too riskyThen we got interrupted by a phone call from her parents. The moment was gone.I dropped her off and called it a night, thinking it was just over.Yeah I felt like a boss, but the date didn’t feel complete for some reason….But a few hours later, out of nowhere, she texted me: ‘Today was nice, but you didn’t grab my @ss…’I stared dead at that text with a WTF look for a good two minutes. I had fumbled it, and I knew it.To make it worse, I responded in the most beta way possible: ‘Oh sorry, wasn’t sure if you’d be okay with that.’

I was simply being a p*ssy for not making a move.Of course, it’s normal to be somewhat self-conscious as a man,But only if I’ve ever known I could have at least turned the tables and replied: “Wow you’re not as innocent as I thought”(Quick line you can steal lmao)Then before you know it.. I got ghosted.Not only because I fumbled, but I was SUBMISSIVE to her and gave 100% of my energy to her like a simp.

But What Can You Truly Learn From That Experience?

There's no goofy pick-up lines that work.It's about taking ADVANTAGE of the attraction that's already there.And escalating the sexual energy between you both.When you book a call with me, you’ll learn not to be afraid to make a move, pushing her away.But at the same time not f*ck up and make her run away.Simply handling any low or peak situation like a chad.

But If You're Here, Chances Are You:

- Are on self-improvement- Know ONLY needing $53,899,901 and being a whole model to get women is BS- Sick and tired of being played in the game.- Been watching my content and other content about women for a while

"I'm On Self Improvement"

If you’re on your journey to being your best version:No games, no bad diet, no fap, working out, entrepreneurship, or even studies.Good, I’m proud of you there, but you’ll still end up SOMEWHERE in the MIDDLE of getting women.Better than the guy who smokes, plays video games, and edges his d—k off right?Yeah of course, I’m GLAD you’re not that guy, but here’s the thing brother…To truly get to the top and DOMINATE every guy in her DMs and be the guy she smiles when she hears/sees your name,You need to max yourself out AND know what it takes to WIN her over.You’ve been watching my content, planning to get the woman you want… the 10/10 woman that other men want in bed but never took action.You won’t get anywhere if you don’t take action.Even if you’re only maxing yourself out, you’ll easily be REPLACED by the guy who is on the same journey as you, but KNOW how women work.

Now Here's Why Most Guys Fail..

You see, one half says:"You need 8-pack and $933,948,879 to get women"True you’ll be attractive, but once she spends time with you and sees you have no game?You’ll be no interest to her anymore.Another half says:
"Oh even the fat balding peasants are getting hot women by being good with them and not on self-improvement."
Yeah cool story bro… but why not BOTH!!?!You’re my younger BROTHER, and as much as I want you to get the spicy chicks, I want you to be your best version.I’m talking about: status, money, and physique, along with women.Not only will you MAX attraction with women, but you’ll be respected by friends, family, and everyone.You're MORE than just "another guy" and I know it.Now you have a fire inside your mind to take your FIRST STEP.

“Bro I don't Think I'm Ready..”

That’s what they all say… listen.It’s not your fault that you’re unconfident, just all these BS statements spread by everyone is causing that feeling..But I’ll tell you this right now.The guy who approaches women has higher progress than you.Even if he has never binge-watched any dating content on YT..You can simply progress faster in women by ACTUALLY APPROACHING them.Just because you binge watch my content, and focusing on yourself,Doesn’t mean– ‘POOF 💨’.. a random 10/10 magically approaches you, like you’re in a disney movie.Not how it works brother..When you ask your friend to approach that 9/10 at the mall food court and he says: “Nah bro I'm focusing on myself”That’s honestly a fancier way of saying “I’m AFRAID of women”…Seriously, a shield to hide from 10/10 women and lose a great opportunity for them.How do you expect to be good with women if you’re scared to approach them in the first place?You need constant rejection. You need failure to get to the top.But as you’re approaching woman and being in the game, you need feedback…Seeing what works and what doesn’t.You need someone to help you through this journey.Saving you months if not years of extra failure, failed dates, and terrible texting you’ll regret seeing later.It’s basically cheating having a guy giving you feedback on your game.You can’t beat: Action + Feedback + ConsistencyIn that case you can take your first free advantage by booking a call

Here’s What Happens on Your FREE Call:✔️ We’ll figure out where you stand in the game—what you’re doing right and what’s holding you back.✔️ We’ll set clear goals for where you want to be in your dating life.✔ And together, we’ll create a roadmap to help you dominate—turning you from an NPC into the CHAD who gets what he wants.✔️This isn’t just about getting women. It’s about becoming the man who wins in life.

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg.Talking to women is a skill.Just like becoming a football champion, a boxer, or even a guitar player.It’s a skill you must master over time.And yes you’re GOING to fail.You’ll constantly face rejection or failures.I had to get my @ss kicked these past years to be where I am right now.But not you my brother.. you’ll fail 70% less than I did, by us personally chatting.

Also here’s what other brothers of ours experienced:

IF these kings achieved a lot just from my YT vids, imagine if me and you personally chatted?

Judging by you being all the way here..

You’re already 99% ahead of all guys who binge-watch dating BS pretending to be productive.But now it’s finally time to prove yourself that you are the CHAD and take your first-ever step to being the guy every woman is attracted to.If you want to get the 10/10 woman you want..the type of women other guys comment “😍” in her dms…Then brother, you’re welcome to have a free chat with me and I’ll lead you to the right direction.

Oh and brother one last thing...Just be a f*cking chadSee you inside